We envision a vibrant and inclusive economic region where individuals and families not only have abundant opportunities and resources to thrive but are also supported by an economy that embraces a culture of dignity, thriving wages, and comprehensive benefits. This region stands as a beacon of equitable opportunities, prioritizing people, planet, and prosperity.
From the lived experiences of community members and the professional backgrounds and expertise of the Core team, the following were identified as Priority Investment Areas:
Goal: increase available and affordable housing as a critical component to achieve regional economic growth.
Goal: Shift public perception of child care to a necessary public investment that will enable economic growth and mobility for the region.
Goal: Integrate more BIPOC members of the community and those historically marginalized in decision-making processes through the development of capacity-building programs emphasizing leadership development, training in organizing, advocacy, and education.
Goal: Inclusive economic growth and shared economic prosperity (i.e., job creation and formation of new businesses) by increasing access to jobs that provide livable wage salaries and benefits with the goal of uplifting families and communities to thrive, not only survive.