Inclusive Economies Framework

The investment strategies in this document are informed by and aligned with the five critical dimensions for developing an inclusive economy recognized in the Building an Inclusive Economy in the Monterey Bay Region report.

In considering the five dimensions, the report’s authors encourage the elevation of two key cross-cutting issues rooted in the recognition that people might face barriers to advancing their well-being for two different reasons: 1) they could be passively left out of economic opportunities, or 2) they could be actively marginalized, either by being exploited or structurally excluded, by more powerful interests (Benner et. al. 2023). As the RRT Collaborative works toward implementation of its investment strategies, it will be important to reference the five dimensions, particularly as they pertain to the impact on disinvested communities.

Theory of Change

Crafting a Theory of Change (TOC) has been vital for operationalizing programmatic elements into an actionable business plan and establishing the framework for investment priorities with specific outcomes in mind.

The process of developing a TOC through the initial Blueprint Investment Plan enabled the RRT Collaborative to explicitly articulate how this change will occur to produce the desired outcomes and impact. Additionally, the TOC has ensured that the RRT Collaborative will establish clear, specific actions and interventions for the initiative to focus on. A best practice in developing a TOC is anchoring choices and decisions in the best available evidence. Drawing on current data for socioeconomic conditions of the region and successes or lessons learned from previous and current efforts are among the evidence used to inform assumptions and choices of the TOC.

The core building block of the Regions Rise Together collaborative is racial equity. It is acknowledged that current socioeconomic inequities were created, and are perpetuated by systemic racism, and as such require solutions that eliminate or transform these forces. Race, class, economic and social status are intricately connected and require root cause analysis as the basis of developing effective and long-lasting solutions. People-centered solutions in partnership with traditional business- and industry-centered solutions lift all in the economic ecosystem and help create thriving economies.

The overarching goal of this plan is economic transformation with equitable opportunities and outcomes for all residents, regardless of race or socioeconomic status. Establishing an inclusive regional economic development initiative that centers racial equity requires a new way of thinking and acting.

Investment Plan Core Values

  1. Achieve inclusivity and prosperity for all residents in the Monterey Bay region
  2. Synchronize and leverage existing efforts
  3. Enable and empower communities through co-creation of regional solutions
  4. Demonstrate that the Monterey Bay region is investment-ready and investment-worthy

All of these values are being pursued to one extent or another in the tri-county region, but not always in ways that optimize unity of collective purpose and action. The goal with this Investment Plan Blueprint is to harness and align these complementary values and forces to drive unified, on-the-ground solutions and action.

Expected Impacts

  1. Equity-based, community-centered, and inclusive economic development models and organizing strategies that build the leadership of an engaged community to effectively advocate for accountable public/private economic development systems, policies, and practices.
  2. An investment-ready region with clear, community-defined economic development priorities, led by a cohesive, multi-sector collaborative of partners and resident leaders, and supported by a well-established governance and administrative infrastructure.
  3. A well articulated “ready to launch” set of strategies that can unlock the full potential of the regional economy by dismantling inequitable systems and expanding opportunities for communities of color and residents excluded from sharing in the prosperity of the region.

Primary Outcomes

  1. Inclusive economic growth (e.g., high-road job creation and formation of new businesses)
  2. Increased access to jobs that provide livable wage salaries and benefits that uplift families and communities to not only survive but to thrive
  3. Shared economic prosperity (including higher-paying jobs across all income levels and racial groups)
  4. Build on existing models that include community benefit agreements, high-road and labor standards

Intermediate Outcomes

  1. Improved economic opportunities for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities
  2. Expanded and supported infrastructure to enhance the connection between people and family-sustaining jobs
  3. Improved individual capacities and competencies to enhance residents’ ability to seize new job opportunities through training and education
  4. Build skills in humility and anti-racism to transform the mindset of racism, its root causes, and its manifestations within systems
  5. Enhance resources of service providers to support racially inclusive programs
  6. Complementary support structures that align with opportunities for growth in:
    1. Affordable, quality child care
    2. Early childhood development and K-16 education
    3. Affordable and safe housing
    4. Health and wellness
    5. Affordable and accessible broadband
    6. Climate resilience
  7. Strengthened capacity and coordination among CBOs and intermediaries for:
    1. Synergy and collaboration/coordination across the region
    2. Investment in and leveraging of existing programs and assets
    3. Development of regional partnerships
    4. Continual regional planning and reflection, and upfront joint planning