Goal: Integrate more BIPOC members of the community and those historically marginalized in decision-making processes through the development of capacity-building programs emphasizing leadership development, training in organizing, advocacy, and education.

The Community Leadership and Power Building Committee name shows the commitment to centering the work of building leadership and power instead of merely engaging residents and gathering their ideas. Engaging in this work have been numerous CBOs that organized house meetings, town halls, listening sessions, leadership development opportunities, research actions, and strategy meetings to address needs. These groups included: Bright Beginnings, Building Healthy Communities Monterey County, Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Indígena Oaxaqueño (CBDIO), Center for Community Advocacy (CCA), Communities Organized for Relational Power in Action (COPA), Monterey Bay Central Labor Council (MBCLC), Mujeres en Acción, Bright Beginnings, Mamas de Salinas Abogan, Youth Alliance, Education Equity in Public Schools, Community Leadership Development, Restorative Justice in Public Schools, and many others. During these gatherings, residents identified priorities that require system changes:

  1. Housing
  2. Local High Road Jobs and Job Training
  3. Inclusive Economic Opportunity
  4. Child Care Equity
  5. Educational Pathways
  6. Culturally Relevant and Accessible Health Care and Mental Health
  7. Business Entrepreneurship for Underrepresented Businesses
  8. Infrastructure Improvements.

The purpose of the conversations was not only to identify community priorities but also to identity leaders to develop strategies.

“In a participatory economy, people are able to participate fully in economic life and have greater say over their future. People are able to be fairly represented in important decision making processes and there is transparency around and common knowledge of rules and norms allow people to start a business, find a job, or engage in markets. People are able to access and participate in markets as workers, consumers, and business owners. Information technology, which is so central to economic well-being, is more widely distributed and promotes greater individual and community well-being”.

From a study jointly published by UC Santa Cruz Institute for Social Transformation and Monterey Bay Economic Partnership:
Building an Inclusive Economy in the Monterey Bay Region: A Progress Report.

Community Priorities


Adjusting for inflation and the expansion of a broader tri-county geography, the 5-year investment total for Community Leadership and Power Building is $183 Million.