Goal: increase available and affordable housing as a critical component to achieve regional economic growth.

The lack of housing affordability is the number one issue confronting the Monterey Bay region and preventing its communities from thriving. It is also the top cited regional challenge in other regional and state initiatives such as SIEDI, Uplift Central Coast Coalition, Central Coast K-16 Regional Collaborative, and Visit California. Data from secondary sources point to a crisis of affordability  that stands in the way of progress for many in the region.

The majority of the tri-county region’s renting population spends 30% or more of their income on rental costs. Moreover, a quarter of all renters in the Monterey Bay region actually spend half or more of their income on housing.

La falta de viviendas a hecho que los dueños abusen de los inquilinos especialmente si son personas que hablan un idioma indigena, cuando ellos piden algún mantenimiento en donde viven o hacen una queja, les cobran de mas por cualquier servicio que ocupe la casa, reparación etc, han habido casos que incluso han sido amenazados o desalojados injustamente. Ellos aguantan todos estos tratos ya que no hay viviendas asequibles para sus familias, sin mencionar la renta tan elevada que les cobran aún así son viviendas no aptas para vivir.”

“The lack of housing has led to property owners abusing tenants, especially if they are individuals who speak an indigenous language. When tenants request maintenance to their home or submit a complaint, property owners overcharge them for any service, repair, etc., with even cases resulting in threats and unjust eviction. These tenants put up with this abuse since there is no available affordable housing for them and their families, not to mention the high rent they’re charged for housing that is not suitable for living.”


Community Priorities


Adjusting for inflation and the expansion of a broader tri-county geography,  the 5-year investment total for Housing is $103.25 Million.